Thursday, April 15, 2021

Swab Test

Picture Credit : Kita buat drive thru swab test je 


Long time no see, huh?
I thought I have time to write. Apparently, I was busy doing other things. Eating mostly. Gain tons of weight! Feeling like a big whale now. Yelah, waktu PKP. Itulah kerjanya. Sekarang tengah berusaha turunkan berat badan. 

In my first entry of 2021, I promised to share the reasons that I didn't write for a long time, but after giving a long thoughts and consideration, I think I need more time to share about it. Let's not dwell much on this. Hopefully, one day, it will find it's own closure. In shaa Allah, Aamin. 

This post have been my draft for a while. I am busy as always it seems. From one task to another task.

Now, it's holy month of Ramadhan. Fasting. Working. Teaching. And repeating all of that all over again. But today, I thought I want to share my experience for being a close contact with one of positive patient. When we got the news, I was panicked. Never thought in my life, it will happen to us as I didn't go anywhere much. From work, then straight home. Never been to pasar malam, bazaar, shopping mall whatsoever. Dah lama rasanya tak menjejakkan kaki di tempat-tempat ini. 

So, the next day, my husband and son had to take a few days off. Sigh. Adam menangis nak ke sekolah. Nak explain pun tak tahu nak explain macam mana. Cakap je mama tak sihat.

Long story short, I took a swab test today. 
Kita buat drive thru swab test je. Call dulu klinik tu nak buat appointment. Tapi dia kata boleh walk in atau drive thru. Masa pergi tu, tak banyak pun kereta.  Depan klinik ada khemah siap dengan nurse yang berpakaian lengkap PPE. 

Kita bagi IC dan bayar sebanyak RM85 untuk swab test RTK (Antigen). Lepas dah bayar dan ambil details kita. Dia pun datang dengan cotton bud yang panjang tu. Kita dongakkan kepala dan nurse masukkan dalam hidung. Tak selesa sikit. Memang keluar air mata lepas tu. Gatal-gatal hidung sikit je lepas tu. Sekejap saja ketidakselesaan tu. Dalam tempoh 1 - 2 jam kita akan dapat keputusan swab test kita.

Walaupun sudah buat swab test, kita boleh teruskan berpuasa macam biasa. Sebab tak batal pun puasa bila buat swab test. Dalam beberapa jam lepas tu, dapatlah sms beritahu result swab test tadi. Pagi-pagi lagi sebelum swab test dah sms mak doakan supayanya resultnya negative. 

Alhamdulillah, the result is negative. Tapi ada demam dan sakit tekak sikit. Dapatlah MC 2 hari sebab di rumah pun Arissa pun masih tak sihat. 

Jadi, sama-samalah kita jaga SOP supaya rantaian COVID-19 dapat diputuskan. Rasanya lepas ini, tak cukup dengan mask. Kena pakai face shield juga. Huhu.

p/s : Berair mata bila kena swab test. ;(

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